MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:13 PM
Is there a way to enable it for just certain channels?
I'm thinking assembly and troubleshooting.
@NeverSummer @m13b Do we need to unbanword his username?

NeverSummer  Today at 6:19 PM
Well it would be more entertaining for me if we did.
But @m13b is the keeper of the god damn Gaius Rosetta Stone.

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:19 PM
,unbanword mike_gs96 %name %ban
BapoAlien TiBOT  Today at 6:19 PM
WARN: Word mike_gs96 %name %ban is not banned.
ERROR: No words to unban.

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:19 PM
I have no idea if that actually worked.
I don't understand this bot.

NeverSummer  Today at 6:20 PM
,unbanword mike_gs96

BapoAlien TiBOT  Today at 6:20 PM

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:20 PM

NeverSummer  Today at 6:20 PM

m13b  Today at 6:20 PM

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:20 PM
That.. makes more sense, I suppose.

m13b  Today at 6:20 PM
why are we unbanning it

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:20 PM
Because apparently NS has made a breakthrough.

m13b  Today at 6:20 PM
I disagree with 264th chances
second chances maybe
but fuck mike
fuck everything about him
he should not be allowed back

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:21 PM
@NeverSummer He just joined again. It's a newer account, so it is muted.

m13b  Today at 6:22 PM
disrupting the server spamming borderline illegal shit continuously for days should never be unbannable

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:22 PM
That was actually entertaining.

NeverSummer  Today at 6:22 PM
Imagine not trusting NS.

m13b  Today at 6:22 PM
Okay I love you NS
I take it all back I never lost faith
not even once

NeverSummer  Today at 6:23 PM
God damn lies.

MedizinMÃdel  Today at 6:23 PM